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Donate to The Miles We Walk
Major Gifts & One time donations
If you are interested in sending us a major gift or a one time donation, please click the button below.
Donate Today
Together, we can make a difference!
Monthly donations play a major part in sustaining The Miles We Walk 501(c)3. Your donation will help us provide resources to our community.
If you want to make a one-time donation or become a courageous sustaining sponsor click the 'donate' button to get started.
All donations are tax deductible. ​You can cancel or change your donation amount at any time.
FEIN# 86-3611344
other ways To Support us:
​Do you shop at kroger?
Did you know that you can support The Miles We Walk if you shop at Kroger?
To Use the Kroger Community Rewards Program:
Log In to your account
Search and select THE MILES WE WALKÂ or TT730
Click Enroll
​Do you shop Through PayPal?
If you have or can download the PayPal app on your phone, you will have the opportunity to donate $1 every time you make a purchase on the app.
When you get to check out, click the "Set Your Favorite Charity" button, and search for "The Miles We Walk" to set us as your favorite charity!
Click here to learn how.
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